Monday, April 3, 2017

Maximizing short term results, with long term benefit

I'm finding powerful, natural, nootropics that have positive side effects, with almost zero crash.

The point of a nootropic is to enhance or improve the brain, in order to become, essentially, a better version of ourselves, i.e. smarter, faster, better memory, more observant, etc. In searching among the various "chemical nootropics" it appears, as they're used, the brain is enhanced, many times, at the cost of the body. Side effects seem to include fatigue, nausea, headaches, depression, and so on. This led me down the path of "natural" or herbal and vitamin supplements that I never believed could get the job done... until I tried them.

CoQ10. One need merely google co-enzyme Q10, or ubiquinol, whatever you want to call it, to find an amazing amount of research regarding the health benefits of this vitamin-like substance. This is one of the main reasons I use the THRIVE products you'll see in my stack. It gives a perfect foundation on which to build the rest of the formula and comes in a patch so that it can be leached through the skin at a certain rate throughout the day.

Expand. A recent addition to the THRIVE line, is taken in addition to the other substances and provides 9 nootropic drivers that will be familiar to any light student on the subject. The genius, of course, is in the formula which allows for so many drivers to build on, and not deplete each other. This is a habitual nootropic and may take several weeks for the "build up" effect to be experienced on a significant level.  Memory and muscle memory support seems to be very noticeable.

DMAE. A short life (4-6 hrs), but great "2 time a day boost" with the other nootropics. It renders results quickly as increased awareness and decision making abilities seem to be profoundly affected. While DMAE tends to support visual memory, Expand supports audible memory. This is an important difference between the two.